
“Felicia Glidden is an artist who is versed in many genres of art. But she always works with energy, strength and unusual approaches—almost multi-medial again.” Dr. Johann-Peter Regelmann

2016   Zwölf Apostel Begrüßen dei Besucher (Twelve apostles welcome the visitors) Brigitte Geiselhart, Südkurier May 27

Archäologie im Bergwerk der Träum (Archeology in the Mine of Dreams) Harald Ruppert, Südkurier March 12

English translation: Archeology in the Mine of Dreams

2015   Horizonterweiterung zum Muttertag (Horizon Expansion for Mother’s Day) Harald Ruppert, Südkurier May 12

Prometheus 2015 -review
Prometheus 2015 review in the Südkurier by Harrald Ruppert

“Sound and Color” explodieren beim Konzert (Sound and color explodes by concert) Christel Voith, Schwäbische Zeitung, May 10

2014   Galerie Bagnato zeigt Träume (Galerie Bagnato shows dreams) Joachim    Schwitzler, Schwäbische Zeitung, September 30 PDF : Galerie Bagnato zeigt Träume ,  (German online link)  

Experimental Kinoabend bei Salem2Salem (Experimental Film Night at          Salem2Salem , Kino Überlingen, Schaebisches Zeitung August 20

2012   Montpelier sculpture show knows no boundaries Mike Giuliano, Baltimore Sun       July 26

2011   Pearson Widrig and Sharon Mansur, Emily Macel Theys, Dance Magazine, March 18

2009   Field Museum, Katherin Scharpe, Seed Magazine Online, January

3 Minute Egg, Video spot online, Matt Peiken, January

2008   Landscape for Art, Contemporary Sculpture Parks, Edited by Glenn Harper and Twylene Moyer, University of Washington Press

Art is Weeds, Glenn Gordon, Secrets of the City Online, December

2004   A Nomadic Iron Tribe Ann Klefstad Duluth News Tribune, June

Elemental Pour, Venture North, WDSE PBS Public Television Spot Aired         Statewide in Minnesota October

Catalog (German PDF) FELICIA_KATALOG  2014

Catalog Essay (English PDF) by Dr. Johann-Peter Regelmann 2014