Projektraum Reservoir – 60 Jahre Wasserwerk ABRW (Au-Balgach-Rebstein-Widnau) Hümpeler, Balgach, Switzerland Three channel video and live and electronic performance, 29:00 minutes 2016

Felicia Glidden
Video, Photography, Paintings

Alain Wozniak
Artistic Director, Composition, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet, Flute, Electronic Music

Philippe Wozniak
Contrabass, Electronic Bass

Anna Katharina Aichroth
Berimbau, Capoeira Angola, Percussion

Four communities in Switzerland were celebrating 60 years of their water reservoir and we were invited to create a sound and video installation. The program was performed 6 times. Between the 1/2 hour programs, I was projecting historic and more current photos of the building and maintenance of the reservoir. The imagery includes all forms of water, paintings and photographs from my visual archives.

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